We help small businesses who need help cultivating their customer list to retain and generate repeat business. After we sign your confidentiality agreement and after you feel comfortable knowing that the integrity of our business depends on you knowing that we will not share or exploit your customer list, then our team will use your customer list to generate new business for you. Sales is Marketing, and Marketing is Sales. Whereas it takes 10,000 emails to get 1 response that converts into a customer, it takes 1,000 phone calls to get 1 response that converts into a customer. Note that we limit our services to cold and warm calling. We will not try to make promises of the quality or quantity of your services. Our only goal is to say we are following up and wondering if they want to schedule a meeting with you to learn more. We can make up to 100 calls per hour. Depending on the day and the calling rep used, 40-60 calls per hour is more likely.