Freelance writer and editor; co-author of a successful non-fiction book; consultant on feature film and documentary scripts.
As the proprietor of From Time to Time Media have done Freelance work as a writer, historical consultant, and web page designer. Was a regular contributor to IndulgeGR, a weekly Grand Rapids entertainment and opinion magazine (no longer being published). Helped design and build websites for a folk band and West Michigan historical organizations. Contributed to historical film website, consulted on screenplays and other projects. Worked under contract as a ghostwriter for a Hollywood production company to develop and write a feature film script.
As Managing Editor of Smoke and Fire News, a national monthly living history newspaper, wrote and edited articles and editorials, coordinated with staff, did layout, paste-up, ad design, etc.
Contributing Author, Colonial Fortifications in North America (1541-1763). Other contributors include Fred Anderson, Brian