I give legal advise on Administrative law, Advertising law, Admiralty law, Agency law Alcohol law, Alternative dispute resolution,Animal law, competition law,Appellate practice, Art law (or art and culture law),Aviation law,Banking law and Negotiable instruments,Bankruptcy law (creditor debtor rights law or insolvency and reorganization law)Bioethics,Business law, companies law, Civil law or common law, the law of tort, Common Interest Development law,Communications law, Computer law,public international law,Constitutional law,Construction law,Consumer law,Contract law Copyright law,Corporate law , also corporate compliance law and corporate governance law, Criminal law,Cryptography law,Cultural property law,Cyber law,Derivatives and futures law,Drug control law,Elder law, Employment and labour relations law,Energy law, Entertainment law,Environmental law,Equipment finance law,Family law,Financial services regulation law,Firearm law,Food law,Franchise law,Gaming law,Health and safety law,Health law,Immigration law,Insurance law,Intellectual property law,International human rights law,International trade and finance law,Internet law,Juvenile law,conveyancing law, Martial law,Media law,Medical law,Mergers & acquisitions law,Military law,Mining law, oil and gas law,Music law,Mutual funds law,Nationality law,Native American law,Privacy law,the law of equity and trusts,Private funds law / Hedge funds law,Product liability litigation,Railway law, Real estate lawSecurities law / Capital markets law,Social Security disability law,Space law,Sports law,Statutory law, Revenve law andTaxation Technology law,Transport law / Transportation law, Venture capital law and Water law