Linux Server Administrator with more than 7 years of experienceSpecification:- OS: CentOS, Ubuntu, RHEL, Debian, Fedora, and others.- Cloud Platforms: Amazon S3/EC2/EBS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, Linode.- High availability solutions: Load balancing, Clustering, MySQL Replication.- Control Panel: WHM/cPanel, Plesk, Webmin/Virtualmin, ISPConfig, Zpanel, i-mscp.- Web Server: Apache, Ngnix, LightHTTPD.- Databases: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite3.- Email System: Postfix, Dovecot, Roundcube, SquirrelMail, and others.- Monitoring System: Nagios, Zabbix, Cacti.- Open Source Intrusion Detection Tools: OSSEC, Snort.- Project Management: Redmine, OTRS, etc.- XMPP: OpenFire, eJabberd, Prosody IM.- Streaming server: Nginx-RTMP, Red5, FFMPEG..- Virtualization: Vmware, Virtualbox, etc.- Storage System: ZFS, GlusterFS, etc- Miscellaneous: Docker, PCI Compliance, Owncloud, TroubleshootingGood Knowledge of Docker, Git, Gitlab, MySQL, MongoDB, Amazon Aurora, Apache, Nginx, Bash, OpenVPN, Terraform, CI/CD, Digital Ocean, GoDaddy, Cloudflare, SSL, Wordpress.Administration of Services:Puppet/Foreman, Git, Apache, Nginx, Passenger, Unicorn, WSGI, Free Radius, iPlanet, JBoss, Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss, Postfix, Sendmail, Solr, ElasticSearch, Redis, Memcached, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Logstash, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle and etc.