Rigorously trained on-the-job in US Patent Law by US Patent Agents, Attorneys and Ex-USPTO Examiners from Stanford, Syracruise and MIT UniversityLed by Senior IP Consultant with more than 15+ Years of experience in serving as Intellectual Property Strategic Asset Management expert at leading firms. He brings in immense applied know-how in searching, drafting and analyzing patents.He was awarded by reputed MNC for design and implementation of structured object oriented English like language for development of engineering specifications for inventions. Cumulative experience of drafting 300+ patent applications of which most of them have been published on USPTO online database. Team members have also prosecuted several EPO/USPTO cases.Extensive Brand Management & Trademark Development, Filing, Prosecution, Litigation, Licensing & Enforcement hands-on experience. Represented a US based Bio-Medical Engineering Start-up against top 50 US Law firm ResearchArya Senior Consultants