"75% of all e-shopping carts are abandoned before the purchase is actually complete. 9 out of 10 e-shoppers who abandoned their carts did so because of a lack of customer service"
(Web Merchant, Cybershopper Survey)
Do you engage your best prospects at their moment of peak interest?
Sales leads are on your website right now. You've spent thousands of dollars bringing them there - why merely inform them when you can engage them?
Our goal for sales chat: - To convert your website browsers into buyers and buyers into repeat customers thru real time assistance at the point of sale.
Our goal for customer service chat: - To provide excellent customer service. Represent you, your products & services with absolute integrity & due diligence.
Customer Support
Site Navigation Help
Pre-Sales Support
Sales Assistance
Appointment Setting
Technical Support
One to One Live Chat
Real Time Visitor Monitoring
Pro-Active Chat Invitation
Push Page Technology
Scripted responses for faster service
Affordable Solutions
We use the state of the art chat software. Besides providing customer service, our chat operators are also trained to generate sales/up sales and cross sales. The chat operators generate valuable lead by collecting phone numbers, email address etc., of the customer.
Requires chat software codes in your website and can go live within a day!
Cost: $3.75 X 8 hrs X 5 days = $150.Delivery Time:1 Day(s)