The design and creation of LOGO depend on two sides, one side is you with your ideas about the shape and color, the other side is me with the skills I have and own to bring your ideas out to the real world right here in front of your eyes.
The most important point of view is that a logo has to be simple, attractive, and can be noticed from the first seen. So, a logo may be designed with no relationship with your field of business.
The logo of the most famous computer company Apple Macintosh is not a computer!.
The high quality to be delivered with satisfaction, and the future look, is my major concern to be my regular dear client.
Why you can choose me? because:
1- All demands you need to be added to the final job are the basics I start from.
2- Let the price be a second step, but focus on the final high quality you are looking for, this exactly what I will do. Even so, my price is standard.
3- I never say "Ok, done", I always say "Is this Ok?".
4- As far as you want to change and develop, I am here, just say what you want.
5- After-sell offering services always available.
Go ahead and achieve what you are looking for by choosing my gig.
Thank you for your time to read up here.