Logo is the body of your corporate identity. A good logo is the most rational and profitable investment for a company. We come across the mentality of "a company that provides quality service must have a quality logo" in all corporate success stories of the world. It is an identity element that you can use everywhere and should have the following features: Memorable Akilda kalici Sektörde benzersiz Maksimum bilgiyi minimum sürede veren Mümkün olan en genis kitle tarafindan algilanabilen Renk, biçim gibi özellikleriyle firmanizin hizmet ve ürünleriyle iliskili olan Firmanizin “ruhunu” yansitan, somutlastiran Bütün yüzey ve boyutlara sorunsuz uygulanabilen Farkli yüzey ve medyalara uygulanmasi asiri masrafa yol açmayan