Hi, I am a production engineer and I am using the Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop software
for designing the LOGO.
When designing the logos there are different types of logos. It may be a name, a picture , a
picture with a name, a symbol, A signature…
Therefore I expect from a customer,
A good communication with me,
All details about their requirements,
Any sample logos,
I provide the customer,
A professional logo,
PNG, pdf, or any file format ,
If customer have no a particular concept I provide at lease four logos
(As a name, picure, picture and a name, a symbol…etc.)
I support you by
Sharing with you my ideas,
My concepts,
My experience
If you are willing to work with me or there is anything to know please contact me.
I am doing very Low fair prices. I mainly focus on customer satisfaction
Thank you.