Timothy-Takemoto says,
Faultless. I am entirely satisfied with this job and I recommend Mr. Svilen Milev as a very professional, skilled, trustworty and talented designer.
I considered not giving Mr. Milev the top rating for "Communication and interpersonal skills" since there were one or two occasions when I felt that there was a slight glitch in our communication perhaps (and I do mean perhaps) because English is not, I presume, Mr. Milev's first language.
That being said, Mr. Milev's English language ability is extremely close to that of an articulate native speaker, and his interpersonal skills more than make up for any shortcoming in this regard.
Additionally, the communication glitch or two were in part or in whole my fault since I am inclined to be convoluted (as you can see), and I am, as long time ex-patriot, no longer confident in my own ability to convey what I have to say clearly and succinctly in English.
Thus, all in all, my advice to other employers is do not hesitate, employ this man now.
Timothy Takemoto
Assistant Professor
Yamaguchi University
for Cover of English Conversation Text bookon Sep 12, 2004