Daniel is a performance-driven and experienced Machine Learning Engineer with a Degree in Information and Communication Engineering who is proficient in Python with 2+ years of designing and developing Machine learning and Deep learning pipelines for Data Analytics and Computer Vision use-cases capable of making critical predictions in the Recruitment Industry.
He has knowledge in evaluating algorithms to improve performance, quality, and accuracy for Regression (Linear/Logistic), Classification (Binary/Multi-label), KNN, Object Detection and Tracking, Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis), and Recommender Systems (Content-based), Data preparation/cleansing.
Skilled at optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks and employing Deep Learning methodologies to ensure effective strategy formulation and implementation and looking forward to applying the acquired gamut of skills to a challenging role in the Machine and Deep learning space.
Key Skills:
-Computer Vision
-Data Analytics
-Exploratory Data Analysis
-Automatic Speech Recognition
-Natural Language Processing
-Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL
App development tools;
-Flask, HTML5, CSS
And Version Control with Git.
Some Python Machine Learning/Deep Learning packages I have worked with are;
-Numpy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Tensorflow 2, DeepSpeech, Keras, OpenCV, Scrapy, Mediapipe, Face_recognition, Dlib, Imutils, Matplotlib, pyaudio, Seaborn, BeautifulSoup, Nltk
Github: https://github.com/danielAdama
Portfolio: https://danieladama.vercel.app/
My Contact:
Email: adamadaniel321@gmail.com
Phone number: +2348133108645