I've been mucking about with computers for over 30 years, starting with early attempts to program games in basic on the BBC Micro and ZX Spectrum in the 80s. I studied AstroPhysics, then Cognitive Science and then Computer Science at university, picking up a PhD (building Neural Nets in C and C++) and two masters along the way. I researched mobile agents at Toshiba in Japan (Java) then went freelance for two years (writing tech articles and building the NeuroGrid search engine, and working with the Cerego learning engine - lots of SQL). Then University of Tokyo researching Peer to Peer, and then to University of Hawaii where I was working with collaborative systems and started programming in both PHP and Ruby/Rails. Then I taught Computer Science for Hawaii Pacific University remotely from the UK (Software Engineering, Computer Games programming) for five years, during which time I got involved in MOOCs and started AgileVentures with many of the mentors in this chat room. Then I ran the MakersAcademy coding bootcamp in London for a couple of years, and now I'm full time trying to make AgileVentures a sustainable charity enterprise. I mainly program in Ruby/Rails/JavaScript, and although I get by in CSS/HTML I think my strength is more on the backend with databases, algorithms and dev/ops. Over the years I've done a lot of Machine Learning, Data Analysis, and Scientific studies into learning and development. You can see some of my technical papers here: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=SslTbocAAAAJ&hl=en but I kind of eschew Academia now, wanting to focus on using the Agile methodology and HCI techniques to build things that actually help people.