About myself
Data Scientist, machine learning engineer, Kaggle Competition Expert #553 (Top 0.5 %), with extensive experience with developing algorithms, statistical models, and deep learning architectures using Python in a Big Data environment. Currently working as a Data Scientist with TimeSeries (IoT) domain, design machine learning experiments, and developing efficient sequence models for Time-Series segmentation and classification. I have 4+ yrs. experience with Data Science & AI challenges and 6 yrs. research experience with Computational Biology.
• A developer and researcher with expertise in data mining, visualization, modeling, and evaluation using Python, Pyspark, or R on Cloud Platforms. Intermediate experience with SQL and Java.
• Curious and enthusiastic to learn and adapt new ideas, concepts, methods, and technology
• Experienced with solving a variety of interdisciplinary data problems, designing and managing algorithms/models and data science APIs in a cloud-based scalable way
• Interested in and looking for opportunities related to sequence modeling for TimeSeries, NLP, Computer Vision and discrete optimization for operation research