Hello, I am a web and magento developer with 3 years. I built many stores and extensions with magento and i am a full certificate magento developer. I am ready to start. My full magento certificate: http://www.magentocommerce.com/certification/directory/dev/157246/ My previous projects: - http://www.forevernew.com.au/ - http://beaconlighting.com.au/ - https://tutudumonde.com/ - http://www.toyworld.co.nz/ - http://glamira.de/ - http://www.gazman.com.au/ - http://www.getglasses.com.au/ I built all of extensions at: - http://www.magestore.com/magento-extensions.html - http://www.mage-world.com/magento-extensions.html - http://saas.smartosc.com/ Thanks you