Mainframe Developer who analyzes, designs and creates new JCL jobs, software. Creates on-line and batch program modules. Design, code and test mainframe software like COBOL, L/1, SAS, Easytrieve, Syncsort and other IBM Mainframe utilities. Perform root cause analysis to identify the cause of the issues in the Production and Test environments. Have extensive knowledge in TSO/ISPF utilities to createand maintain PDS, PS and VSAM etc. Have extensive knowledge on FILE-AID to create and modify VSAM, PDS and PS files. Have knowledge on Mainframe, TSO,COBOL, Easytrieve, SAS, PL/1, DB2, M204, VM, JCL, SPUFI, ISPF, File-Aid, Syncsort, REXX, FTP, CA7 Scheduler