Here's the great thing about development and software. You have your product, you build it out, ship it. It's great, people love it. You've got a lot of great ideas on where to go next, but users still find ways to break things. Tickets get added, the backlog grows larger and you just want to move onto something new. Bugs are bugs, and little features people ask for add up. So you and/or your team start trying to trim that backlog. Don't you wish someone else could do it? I find I'm a bit of an anomaly in the development world. Ever since I graduated from college, I've done contract after freelance after full-time gig of diving into code that's been written as far back as the 70s to figure out what's wrong and fix it. Most of my experience comes from working with the LAMP stack and Javascript, but I'm also comfortable enough working with Python, Ruby and other languages. In one of my previous gigs, I had to pick up FORTRAN on the fly because all of a sudden, the calculation engine wasn't working on newer computers. I have a website ( and Github ( with various skunkworks projects I work on for your perusal. I'd love to chat with you and squash those bugs so you don't have to.