All Services Writing & Translation editing & proofreading Manuscript Eval. and Substantive Editing $20/hr · Starting at $25 Manuscript evaluation and substantive editing involves an extensive evaluation of your completed manuscript and focuses upon both big picture issues and finer details. I Will Evaluate: Plot Voice Overall structure Narrative flow Tone Prose style Characterisation Continuity TransitionsPacing Theme Spelling, grammar, and punctuation Word choiceStylistic consistency Repetition of words and phrases Fact-checking Point of view Show versus tell Awkward phrasing and unnecessary wordsAtmosphere Plot inconsistencies Final Product: Annotated manuscript: I use Adobe PDF’s comment feature to make suggestions for your manuscript. An editorial report: This report is a document outlining all the inconsistencies I notice and all the changes I suggest in a clear and concise manner. A style sheet: A style sheet functions as a literary guide book by recording preferences, such as character names, important terms, and technical specifications. About $20/hr · Ongoing Download Resume Manuscript evaluation and substantive editing involves an extensive evaluation of your completed manuscript and focuses upon both big picture issues and finer details. I Will Evaluate: Plot Voice Overall structure Narrative flow Tone Prose style Characterisation Continuity TransitionsPacing Theme Spelling, grammar, and punctuation Word choiceStylistic consistency Repetition of words and phrases Fact-checking Point of view Show versus tell Awkward phrasing and unnecessary wordsAtmosphere Plot inconsistencies Final Product: Annotated manuscript: I use Adobe PDF’s comment feature to make suggestions for your manuscript. An editorial report: This report is a document outlining all the inconsistencies I notice and all the changes I suggest in a clear and concise manner. A style sheet: A style sheet functions as a literary guide book by recording preferences, such as character names, important terms, and technical specifications. Skills & Expertise Academic EditingAPA StyleArticle EditingAssociated Press (AP) StyleBlog CommentingBook EditingBook WritingCharacter DesignChicago Manual of StyleCitationsCopyeditingDevelopmental EditingEditingEnglish GrammarFeature WritingLine EditingMicrosoft WordMLA StyleProofreadingRevisionsStyle Guide DevelopmentSubstantive EditingTechnical Editing 0 Reviews This Freelancer has not received any feedback. Browse Similar Freelance Experts EditorsBook EditorsAcademic Editing ServicesTechnical EditorsAPA Style WritersEnglish Grammar ExpertsCopy EditorsBlog Commenting ServicesDevelopmental EditorsCharacter DesignersProofreadersBook WritersFeature WritersReading SpecialistsCommunity DevelopersStory WritersCultural ManagersMicrosoft Word Experts