Hi and welcome to outsourcing the most boring part of your Amazon/eBay business. My team have over 20 years experience in searching for these sorts of products and use several different pieces of software to find you up to date and highly profitable deals all sourced in the UK. Depending on which level of service you choose we will send you product sheets every day that has been put together by a team of 4 staff members. 2 who actually find these deals/products in the software. All they do all day is check them all to make sure they will sell and will make you profit. and the other 2 double check their work to see if they have missed any deals or have missed something that could cause an issue. They also have the responsibility of checking a list of retails every day for any deals/sales they may have on. so say for example if you pick our highest level service you will get 4 staff members working 40 hour weeks for 2 weeks for only $100. NOW THATS CHEAP FOR YOU. And if you're unhappy with anything on there just let us know and we'll investigate and see what we can do for you but we're 99% sure you'll be happy with every part of our service.