No one is good at everything. As much as you might be in command of your core offerings, chances are your messaging doesn't quite make the grade. I help businesses get their messages or stories out clearly, concisely and accurately. My writing, proofing, editing and creativity services help businesses that struggle with content to reach their target audiences with sharp meaningful and relevant information. Whether it's your blog, press releases, newsletter, website, social media accounts or more, getting to the point of conveying simply and strong what you do or offer is essential. That's where I come in! And if you need help in these areas please contact me at or call me at 202.905.4233. My specialties include: direct marketing, digital marketing, strategy, market research, email marketing, creating marketing plans, implementation, communications, PR, technical writing, marketing metrics/tracking, program analysis, project management, negotiations with vendors, copy writing & editing, consumer behavior analysis, marketing research, brand building, focus groups, social media, and sponsorships. Other specialties: presentations, writing and editing, strategy, vendor negotiations, project management, client relations, marketing communications