I'm an Electrical Engineer and Data Scientist. I have skills set of ->Quartus ->Digital Electronics ->PCB design, ->CIRCUIT Designing, ->C& C++ programming, ->Aurdino programming, ->MATLAB with Simulink, ->Signal processing through MATLAB, ->Image processing, ->Plot 2D, and 3D graphs in MATLAB. ->Mathematical Analysis ->Python, Tensor Flow Framework, -> C, C++, C#, VB, Visual Studio ->Online Scrapping, ->Analysis and Modeling MATLAB ->Predictive Modelling, ->Statistical Modeling using Machine Learning -> Java SE, EE, JavaScript, JSP, PHP, HTML, ->Deep Learning Algorithms -> SAS Designer and Developer, -> STATA Visualizer and Developer, -> SPSS Designer, Developer and Modular, SPSS AMOS -> R Programming Language analysis and Modeling -> Power BI REST API Integration, Visualization Dashboard, Query Designer -> KNIME Analysis and Visualization -> Tableau Analysis and Visualization Dashboard -> Rapid Miner Analysis and Visualization Dashboard -> Minitab Analysis and Visualization Dashboard -> Google Sheet Script, Function and API Integration Data Scrapping, ->Dashboard Forex Modeling Yahoo Finance, Crypto Currency, Yahoo Fantasy Integration, Google Sheet, Google Function, Google Docs, and Google Slides Viewer, Google Macro