I'm Mujtaba Farrukh and I've been working as a Programmer for more than 4 years. I have also worked on research-based projects. Now, currently, I'm working as a Solar Engineer.
What kind of fields do I offer to work in (not limited to)?
-Digital Signal Processing ( Frequency Response and Fourier Transformation)
-Control System (Controllers)
-Electric Machines
-Analog and Digital Communication
-Circuit Design
-Electrical Vehicles (EVs, HV, and BVs)
-Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind)
-Power Systems (Smart Systems)
-Power Electronics
-Machine Learning
-Computer Vision
-Differential Equations
-Numerical Analysis
-Probability and Statistics
-Data analysis
-Home Automation
-SCADA System
-Siemens TIA Portal, PLCSIM
-Microcontrollers Programming
-Matlab GUI
What will I offer?
-Improve code efficiency and space issues
-Algorithm Implementation
-Scripting and Plotting with proper labeling