- Developed User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML, XHTML, CSS2/CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, Angular JS, JQuery, Node JS, Express JS, Bootstrap, JSP, Mongo DB, NPM, GIT, MVC, JSON, XML, and Jira. - Experience in building MEAN applications using MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular-JS, Node-JS, creating Web services components of Restful Web services to interact with UI Interfaces using REST API with Node-JS, Express-JS and installing client side dependencies using Bower and Yeoman. -Used Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage or install the Node-JS modules like Grunt, Gulp, and Express.js, mongoose, mongo.js, body-parser, bcrypt.js and socket.io. - Experience in implementing Mongo DB CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations by using Mongoose library in Node-JS including Angular JS. - Experience with object oriented client-side scripting using Typescript, ES6 and JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, AngularJs. - Having experience in developing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) web application with React -Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage. Used appropriate/relevant keywords and Google analytics in order to increase the accessibility of the website through the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo. - Sound knowledge in working with browsers compatibility issues with browsers like IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.