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Engineering & Architecture

Mechanical/Aerospace Engineer

$8/hr Starting at $25

I have experience of using different software, the projects I have done in my graduation are listed below. Designing of dynamic data base website, Conceptual design of UCAV, ,Designing a controller of 6-dof Stewart platform ,Manufactured rocket model using CNC Milling and Lathe ,Designing a 3-U Cube sat for remote sensing ,Design, manufacturing and wind tunnel testing of a Wing ,Design a simplified circuit for circular modulation ,Design a notepad on Microsoft Visual C++ ,Interfacing of Hall sensor with Lab-view using ,ADC-0804 ,Implementing real time controller for Steward ,Platform using MATLAB ,Automation of test bench for piston engine using Lab view through DAQ ,Interfacing of Ansys with Matlab and done rigorous modal analysis ,Design a Hand Launch Glider ,DS1629S sensor real time interfacing (I2C communication) using LABVIEW and Matlab ,Interfacing of GPS data with LABVIEW and Matlab ,Direction, speed and position control of DC motor and Stepper motor ,Digitize the wind tunnel ,Worked on IMU 10DOF L3G4200D ADXL345 ,HMC5883L BMP085 Nine Axis Modules ,Implementation of Kalman filter with gyro ,Designing an experimental setup for measuring real time stress, strain, temperature, resistance and controlling of current and voltage using LABVIEW and Matlab. The software I have good command are listed below. MS-Office, Latex, Solid Edge,Pro-E, Auto CAD,CATIA,Solid Works, Flight Simulator X, Flight Gear, XPLANE, ANSYS, Multiphysics, Abacus, C, C++, Assembly,HTML, PHP, SQL, Gambit, Fluent, CD-Adapco, RDS, AAA, DATACOM++, MultiSim, Proteus, CCS, MPLAB, Mikro C, Rowley Crossworks, MATLAB, Simulink, LABVIEW, MAPLE SIM, Mathematica. You can contact me for any of your problem. I will be pleased to help you.


$8/hr Ongoing

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I have experience of using different software, the projects I have done in my graduation are listed below. Designing of dynamic data base website, Conceptual design of UCAV, ,Designing a controller of 6-dof Stewart platform ,Manufactured rocket model using CNC Milling and Lathe ,Designing a 3-U Cube sat for remote sensing ,Design, manufacturing and wind tunnel testing of a Wing ,Design a simplified circuit for circular modulation ,Design a notepad on Microsoft Visual C++ ,Interfacing of Hall sensor with Lab-view using ,ADC-0804 ,Implementing real time controller for Steward ,Platform using MATLAB ,Automation of test bench for piston engine using Lab view through DAQ ,Interfacing of Ansys with Matlab and done rigorous modal analysis ,Design a Hand Launch Glider ,DS1629S sensor real time interfacing (I2C communication) using LABVIEW and Matlab ,Interfacing of GPS data with LABVIEW and Matlab ,Direction, speed and position control of DC motor and Stepper motor ,Digitize the wind tunnel ,Worked on IMU 10DOF L3G4200D ADXL345 ,HMC5883L BMP085 Nine Axis Modules ,Implementation of Kalman filter with gyro ,Designing an experimental setup for measuring real time stress, strain, temperature, resistance and controlling of current and voltage using LABVIEW and Matlab. The software I have good command are listed below. MS-Office, Latex, Solid Edge,Pro-E, Auto CAD,CATIA,Solid Works, Flight Simulator X, Flight Gear, XPLANE, ANSYS, Multiphysics, Abacus, C, C++, Assembly,HTML, PHP, SQL, Gambit, Fluent, CD-Adapco, RDS, AAA, DATACOM++, MultiSim, Proteus, CCS, MPLAB, Mikro C, Rowley Crossworks, MATLAB, Simulink, LABVIEW, MAPLE SIM, Mathematica. You can contact me for any of your problem. I will be pleased to help you.

Skills & Expertise

AnalyticsAnsysAssembly LanguageCC++CadCatiaControllerDesignGPSHTMLLabVIEWLatexMaple SoftwareMathematicaMATLABMicrosoftMsPHPProteusReal TimeSimulinkSoftware DesignSQLVisual C++

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