Specific experience includes: - Energy modeling and analysis using numerous software including HAP, EE4, CANQUEST/eQUEST, Revit and Excel; - HVAC and plumbing design; - Completing technical reports including Life Cycle Analyses, Building Condition Assessments, Energy Audits, Water Audits, and Reserve Fund Studies of numerous buildings’ mechanical systems; - Project management, construction management and construction administration experience, as well as field experience including field surveys and evaluation of existing mechanical systems; - Working with relevant codes and standards including the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2011 (NECB 2011), Model National Energy Code for Buildings 1997 (MNECB 1997), National Building Code, National Plumbing Code, Natural Gas and Propane Codes, as well as various ASHRAE and CSA standards including ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 62.1 and ASHRAE 55.