If you have a problem I will give you a solution, 100% guaranteed! Mechanical Engineering currently working on Case New Holland, (global tractor and agriculture manufacturer), as Hydraulic designer in the Hydraulic Enginerring area. Working experience on home appliances and products design and engineering in Mabe TyP part of General Electric appliances. Extensive knowledge in CAD tools and technics. Experience with SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Autocad, Creo Parametric, Pro-E. Focusing on 3D parametric design of new and innovative products, solutions, and systems. FEA knowledge and experience in automotive applications. Graduated with honours of college - B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering - part of the Baja SAE university team as captain and chief design member, principal task of Baja SAE... to design, build and compete an ATV vehicle. Spanish and English knowledge. Oral and written. Social skills: Teamwork, leadership, working under pressure, quality work and human sense.