I am an engineer with more than 20 years of successful experience, able to provide quality services in the following areas:
* Study, sizing, choice of materials and manufacturing and implementation processes (welding, bolting, etc.) of metal constructions and industrial installations (frames, sheet metal appliances, tanks, boilers, lifting means, piping, etc.) and monitoring of their quality of production on site;
* Control of compliance with specifications of applicable standards and regulations for materials and industrial equipments, and their protection systems against degradation;
* Analysis of damage in the various industrial installations, choice of adequate preventive and curative means, and control of the performance of repair and maintenance work in general.
* Metallurgical expertise of works and industrial equipments, including damage analysis (corrosion, cracking, premature failure,...), search for the origins of damage, choice of remedies and / or adequate prevention means, with the assistance and monitoring of companies to ensure scrupulous application of our technical recommendations, in order to avoid or reduce their downtime and improve their durability and productivity.
* Metallography and microstructure analysis of metals and alloys, welds,...
* Assistance to companies for the development of reliable and efficient components and equipment, best meeting the needs of the market, customer specifications, environmental requirements and those of the applicable standards and technical regulations.
I am an engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the listed services. I provide quality services as proven by several national and international customers.
I guarantee quality work and optimal solutions that respond positively to standard requirements and customer expectations.