Microsoft Bing has leveraged the full capabilities of the Bing Maps platform to create the Bing Maps Covid-19 Tracker, a website for location mapping and visualising critical information that details the worldwide cases of Covid-19 and vaccine distribution and delivery plans.
The Covid-19 tracker collects data from trusted health sources, such as the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and presents both the case distribution of the virus and vaccination plans of multiple countries together.
Location Intelligence features like the Location Recognition API and Spatial Data Service Geodata API were also used to include region-based features to the tracker so that users can find their nearest vaccination centres.
The tracker presents the differenty types of vaccines that are available in different countries different types of available vaccines and assigns them to the countries in which they are available, including current trials and regulatory approvals.
Bing Maps also uses AnimatedTileLayer events to visualise data about vaccinations and current cases for each region. Red circles are used to represent regional virality while green circles at varying levels of completion represent the vaccination distribution in a particular area.
Automated data visualisation is also presented in up-to-date graphs for any region selected by the user.