Companies often use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. the most popular Office programs, such as those used to create documents and presentations and manage communications.
Microsoft Excel is a helpful and powerful program for data analysis and documentation. It is a spreadsheet program, which contains a number of columns and rows, where each intersection of a column and a row is a “cell.” Each cell contains one point of data or one piece of information.
These Powerpoint skills are always in high demand:
- Presentation design.
- Public speaking
- Tables, charts, and graphs Typing skills I type fast. ...My speed may not be great but I don't have to look at keyboard either.I typ e quickly, most ofht e time.50–75 wpm. Hybrid hunt and pecker. I'm an advanced pecker. Extremely fast.i DON'T LIKE THAT THE 'CAPS LOCK' BUTTON IS SO CLOSE TO THE 'SHIFT' KEY. COPY&PASTE
- Computer skills. Leadership experience.
- Communication skills.
- Organizational know-how.
- People skills.
- Collaboration talent.
- Problem-solving abilities.