The Mining industry continues to operate in the face of fluctuating commodity prices, shortage of skilled labor, high input costs, the ongoing need to provide safe working conditions and onerous statutory reporting. In parallel, new technologies are available to address these challenges and to help organizations innovate and become more efficient. However, IT teams cannot force technology adoption onto business. Technology adoption must be driven by the executive team as a future mode of operation for the entire organization. Over the last decade, the Mining industry has managed to achieve cost reductions through some point solutions. However, it continues to remain challenged in areas related to stakeholder management, improved productivity, debt management, capital generation, assessing new operating models, planning new projects and optimizing assets. The industry is turning to technology that can guide it to address these issues and improve performance. Mining businesses rely on technology heritage, experience and proficient industry experts to design and manage a host of services that expedite mining set-ups and deliver benefits. These include: Future Mode of Operation : Using a series of pre-defined workshops, we facilitate the alignment of the executive team to ensure that business vision and goals are clearly articulated. This determines the capabilities your organization requires to achieve its vision. Rapid Site Assessment Survey :The Rapid Site Assessment Survey leverages the Wipro Integrated Mining Solution Architecture (WIMSA) to assess the maturity of the people, processes and technology landscape of your organization. Mining Feasibility Studies Conceptual Project Design: Tests high level project viability and highlights potential barriers and opportunities Pre-feasibility Studies: Assesses development and operating options, identifies risks and opportunities and recommends th