I'm a computer scientist, graduted (Summa Cum Laude 🥇) with BS - Computer Science from FAST-NUCES. I've always love to do build solutions to problems hence my degree honor is a testimonial of that, so here I'm providing services in multiple languages.
I've 4+ years of programming experience. Currently providing services in Ruby on Rails, AWS, React, and Docker. I have 2+ years of experience working with large-scale rails projects. The services I provide include
1. Building robust APIs in Ruby on Rails.
2. Documenting APIs using swagger and testing using Rspec.
3. Scaling rails application performance using multiple AWS services such as AWS SQS, S3, etc.
4. Managing rails app logs on AWS cloud watch.
5. Enhancinig the rails app search results using SQL query optimization and Elasticsearch/AWS Opensearch.
6. Automated Deployments using Github actions (CI/CD).
7 Writing Asynchronous jobs in Rails Sidekiq+Redis and Delayed-jobs.
8. Have utilized multiple rails gems according to the business needs such as ActiveAdmin, Devise, etc.
I always strive for code robustness and cleanliness. Let's build a coding solution to your business needs, Feel free to reach out to have a scalable app build in Ruby on Rails.
Apart from building rails applications, I also do programming in Python, write SQL queries, and do the theory of automata tasks