Mobile App Development - Android mobile app for your business - Android mobile application development - Fix Android application - Developing mobile apps.
If you have some custom requirements for mobile app development, please drop message on inbox; I will guide you for the development plan and pricing. Pricing mentioned on project are only for Android app. If you want it for both, you have to order iOS project also.
My skills:
Material Design
Authentication (Phone, Facebook, Gmail, Github, etc...)
Google API's (Maps, Places, Direction, Drive, Speach To Text, Text To Speach, Cloud Translation, Analytics)
Rest API's
Social Media Chat
Third-party libraries
Ad-mob Integrations
Payment using credit, debit cards
Ad Network Integration
Push Notifications ( Firebase, Onesignal )
Offline Database (SQLite, Room, Realm)
Android API Support
Online database (Firebase, MYSQL, Back4app, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB)
Firebase (Database, Storage, FCM, Crashlatics, Remote Config, Auth )
Dependency Injection: Hilt
Mobile Sencer
Material Design
Payment integration
Thread Management: RxJava, Kotlin, and Scheduling Background Works with AsyncTask
Animation etc...