I'm Heshan, from Ceyentra Technologies (Pvt) Ltd
Ceyentra Technologies (Pvt) Ltd currently have 45 members in the team and we have served more than 60 clients in the past 6 years. The core values of Ceyentra Team are Creativity, Responsibility and Quality.
You can get an understanding about our team:
Our portfolio: www.ceyentra.com/company_profile.pdf
Short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etYG25kTAy8
Completing over 100+ projects based on web applications, mobile applications, embedded systems,image processing, and machine learning.
Our expertise in diverse technologies in computer science and engineering.
* Java, NodeJS, Python
* ReactJS, Angluar
* Android, iOS-Swift, React Native, Flutter, Ionic
* Spring, SpringBoot, AWS, Microservices
* MySQL, Oracle, Mongo
* Image Processing, Machine Learning
* Digital Enterprise solutions
* Master Card Payment Gateway Integrations
We have experience in the following domains:
* Education
* Finance
* Logistics
* E-Commerce
You may find more details via
Website : https://ceyentra.com
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/ceyentra