It's been more than 10 years that I am working in the domain and I have designed and developed Products and Lead Teams on of Web Development, Back-end Development, Data Migration, API's, Mobile Applications and Games. I have proven track record in multiple aspects of domain which includes: 1) Customized Web Applications Development Following are the highlighted technologies and frameworks 1) PHP 2) MySQL / PostgreSQL / MongoDB 3) Node JS 4) Angular 5, 6, 7 5) Node JS 6) Amazon SES 7) Azure 8) Objective-C 9) JAVA/Android 10) Codegniter 11) Laravel 12) Phalcon 13) Wordpress / Custom Wordpress Plugins Implementation 14) Wordpress/PHP Custom Data Migration scripts 15) RestFul 16) GIT / Gitlab / Bitbucket 17) Phonegap / Ionic / Cordova