As a developer i knows the value of time, smart working and always delivers the work on time. Overall these 2+ years I accomplished amazing projects successfully. Now, I wanna be a freelancer with all of my work experience and providing high-quality products to my clients. Area of expertise includes the following for mobile app development: - Analytic: Facebook, Firebase, Google, Deeplinking etc.. - Rest API: Async task, Google volley, Retrofit etc… - Database: DAO,Realm, Firebase, Sugar ORM, SQLite etc.. - Framework: Dagger2, RX java, MVP, Butterknife, Kotlin etc… - Cross Platform: flutter, ionic etc... - UI Skills :- Animations and Universal Design. - API Integration:- Google Map API & Google Analytics, Facebook, Twilio, Sinch, Quickblox and so more. - Payment gateway integration: PayPal and Paytm. - Analytics SDKs Skills: Fabric, Google Ad Mobs and Google Map. - In app purchase- Consumable, Non-consumable, Auto-Renewable.