Lead Software Engineer with 7 plus years of experience in Software Development especially in Mobile applications. Have an experience in Designing software architecture for a product. I have a good handles on
React Native | Kotlin | Java | Android | Redux
# Experience
• Depth knowledge in MVVM, MVC and Android Architecture Component.
• Depth knowledge of RxJava, RxAndroid, and Android Jetpack.
• Worked with Dependency Injunction like Dagger2 and Koin.
• Integrated Socket.io, WebRtc for Video Calling and Chatting module.
• Have a 4 years of experience with Version Control System like Git, Bitbucket, Gitlab and SVN.
• Extensively worked on Android Component such as Activity, Services, Broadcast and Content Provider.
• Experience in Bluetooth, Location or other peripheral devices communication.
• Have a good hands on managing Images in Android app using Picasso, Fresco, Universal Image Loader and Glide.
• Experience developing and integrating web services(like transforming Network Data using libraries Volley, Retrofit, OkHttp that makes Network calling for Android apps easier and faster) XML parsing, Json Parsing.
• Dept knowledge in Realm, Sqlite, Room databases for managing mobile app offline or in low internet connectivity.
• Integrated various libraries like Branch.io, Google Authentication, Facebook Auth, Google maps, Google Speech recognition, Fabric Crash Analytics, Linkedin Auth, Twitter SDK, Admob, Facebook ads and many more.
• Expertise in OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Concepts).