As a mobile application developer with three years of experience, I am always striving to improve my skills and knowledge in this field. My focus is on meeting the needs of my customers, solving application problems, and building highly efficient and effective applications.
Core Qualifications:
- I possess a high level of knowledge in the Kotlin language and Android Studio development environment.
- I possess exceptional knowledge of the Swift language and Xcode development environment.
- I have intermediate knowledge of the Dart language, which is used in conjunction with the Flutter framework.
- I can integrate APIs into your application using the JSON language and popular libraries.
- I have expertise in utilizing mobile APIs for iOS using URLSession and Alamofire, for Android using Volley, and for Flutter using HTTP and Dio.
- I am designing software architecture patterns for Kotlin and Swift using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. For Flutter, I have expertise in utilizing the Bloc architecture pattern.
- I have experience working with various library tools including Gradle, Yaml, and Cocoapods.
- I am utilizing various notification tools such as Firebase Push Notifications, OneSignal, and Apple APNs.
- I have experience integrating Google Maps and Apple Maps into mobile applications.
- I am proficient in integrating AdMob and Facebook SDK to enable advertisement functionality in applications.
- I am skilled in integrating Google Analytics to provide insight into user behavior and application usage.
- I have experience with Google Cloud Platform.