We are keen in solving difficult tasks. We love to create native mobile apps with our own backend and frontend. Last example of our work: Multiplatform, native, closed social network developed by us from scratch in about a year of work. Android - Java, ios - Objective C, Backend - Ruby on Rails, Frontend - AngularJS. Social network for models that, among others, has following features: - google, apple, autonavi maps integration - facebook login, vk, facebook, wechat, instagram sharing - news, events, map points, encyclopedia - managed through admin panel - ruby on rails proprietary server - testing in and for China, application polishing for China - english, chinese, russian, spanish languages - check-in and partners admin panel - for partnerships - 4 user roles - with content separation in 2 groups - socket chats - photos with crop and filters - bank partner integration Available on appstores modelalliance.international