Hi, I'm Mohamed Raed Hussien. Mobile developer with Flutter framework using Dart language. I have experience in the field of work in the field of information technology, and I can work on large projects, and one of the work projects in the field of work. Always my main goal is to satisfy customers, complete their projects to the fullest, and on time. ⭐ My Skill Set: ✅ Flutter programmer using Dart language. ✅ I can deal with Firebase. ✅ I can deal with SQFLite, SharedPreferensed and GetStorage. ✅ I can handle RESTApis using Dio Package. ✅ I can professionally design an app for you on FlutterUI. ✅ Use BloC and GetX design pattern. ****If you face a problem, do not hesitate to communicate with me, as long as you are fine