Android/UX/UI/Web Hi, my name is Yuriy. Skill Set: - Android SDK, Java, Material Design - UX/UI - Architecture: MVP, MVVP, Clean architecture - OOP - Dependency Injection - Database Management( SQLite ,Room ) - Web: XML, JSON, HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript/ES6, PWA, TypeScript, Angular, RxJS - Libraries: Glide, Picasso, Fresco, Retrofit, Butterknife, Dagger 2, LeakCanary, RxJava - Google Maps, OSM, GPS Location, Map Clustering, Place API, Navigation - Firebase - Parse - Push notification (Firebase Cloud Messaging) - Social framework API, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram - Integration with Web Service( XML, JSON, REST/SOAP) - Bar-code/QR Code scanner - Voice to text recognition - Video streaming (RTSP/RTMP) - In App Purchase - Testing: JUnit, Espresso - VCS: Git