In terms of mobile application development, I have extensive experience to work with: - iPhone/iPad/iWatch apps development (iOS 6.0~ iOS 11.2) - Social media integration(Facebook, Twitter,Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc) for login and sharing. - Push notification, Local notification, Events, Pusher, UrbanAirship - Web service integration (REST, JSON, XML), RSS, AFNetworking, Alomofire, XMPP Chatting - Clouds(Parse, iCloud) - Database management with SQLite and Coredata and Realm (Available for Android and iOS both) - AVFoundation , CoreAnimation, Audio/Video streaming, multi threading, background tasks - Bluetooth LE, iBeacon, GPS, Maps, background location tracking - InAppPurchase, Paypal, E-commerce implementation, - Image processing, face detection, text recognition, QR Code, Bar Code Scanning - Bar code, QR code, ZBar reader and generator - Ad integration, iAD, RevMob, Google AdMob - Git, SVN, TestFlight, JIRA, Redmine, Trello, Pivotal tracker, Mantis - Publishing apps to App Store, certificates and provisions managing - working since XIB's to Storyboard and still continue.. - Knows storyboard factorizing. - Live streaming and video calling can be developed. - Merge and process video, audio and images with AVFoundation framework - Worked with live photos and 3D touch.