Hi, I am offering here the most modern website development solutions, which encourage those who have a meaningful project idea and are more interested in making their professional presence online maybe their eCommerce or Personal Business. I am Ahmed, not only experienced in modern technologies but also have experience with startup. So I can better deal with other aspects though. I know a website is not just a page but a first professional impact for users. I support my clients in their business development throughout the project.
Coming back to my professional stack includes:
1. NEXT JS (Framework), Node JS (Framework for backend)
2. Sanity ( Headless CMS)
3. Type Script (programming language)
4. AWS and AWS/Lamda (serverless computing and cloud architecture means "only pay for, what you use!")
5. Shadcn/UI, Tailwind CSS
6. Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
7. Stripe ( for Payment gateway )
with SEO to professionally typed source code in long and reliable techs and many other things.
This means a complete package for a highly scalable modern solution in any field like AI, Web 3.0, e-commerce, Personal Portfolio, Business Landing Page, etc.