Let's setup the E-learning website you have been planning for so long. I will assist you with Moodle based e-learning/training website setup and customization. Installation and setup- I will install and setup your Moodle portal on your server. Associate theme and colors: Your brand colors are necessary to reflect on your Moodle and I will help you with that. Custom Flow of site: Moodle has it's own site flow but you may require a different one, tell me and I will incorporate that. Admin Tools: I can create specialized tools to make life easier for educators and Moodle admins. Course Enhancemnet Plugins: There are several ways a course can be made more effective depending upon the audience, just let me know your ideas and I am here to implement them. Utility Plugins: Apart from the above mentioned, there can be several ways a Moodle installation can be tweaked to harness the maximum.