The ancient Egyptians drank as usual from the water of the Nile, and we know that in astonishment? !! It contains clay materials, it contains clay materials and muddy things, so did the ancient pharaohs know to purify water from bacteria, germs and other pathogens?!
It is strange that we received information, and from inscriptions on temples and writings in the papyri, and seeds, and seeds “Moringa” - which grows in southern Egypt - and they put them in pots for drinking, they keep in their homes, then they rub the seeds inside the seeds completely, and some of it is placed in the bottom of the pot with A little sand, and in this way the water becomes pure, vivid and drinkable 0
Imagine - dear - about 5000 years after plants started in a positively charged protein called (MOCP)), they have the ability to photograph the image around them and stick to the bottom down to the outside to drain the pot and refill it again 0
This, and it worked at the time.
How did they know that the Moringa plant was competent about purification and in such a precise and precise manner about the plants around them? !! And how did they know the right time for that mechanism?! This is complicated chemistry!! They did not have a microscope or sensors or anything else! Preparations for this mysterious and dazzling pharaonic progress 0