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Mortgage Campaign

$5/hr Starting at $200

I call homeowners to lower the interest rate of their mortgage and I have set questions to ask them if they are qualified. And the name of the company is Pete Amaya Mortgage. And I have been in that company for almost 3 years and I handle also real estate campaigns. Required to ask them

This info:

Loan Type *

"You have an FHA loan Correct?"

  1.  FHA
  2.  Conventional
  3.  VA

Over / Under 5% *

"You have a rate over 5% currently correct?"

  1.  Over 5%
  2.  Under 5%

Savings Preference *

"With rates being so low today there are so many different ways to save you money. Let me ask, would you rather pay off your home earlier, or pay less each month?"

  1.  Earlier Payoff
  2.  Lower Payment

Name *

"Great, I just need to verify some information with you and then we can get you over to the loan officer so you can see how much money you can save. I have your full name as _________. Is that correct?"

Address *

"And we have your address as ___________. Is that correct?"

Primary *

"Is this your primary address?"

  1.  Yes
  2.  No

Phone Number *

"Is this the best number to reach you at?"

Interest Rate *

"What is your current interest rate?"

Balance *

"Do you know the current balance of your mortgage?"

Value *

"What is the estimated value of your home?"


$5/hr Ongoing

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I call homeowners to lower the interest rate of their mortgage and I have set questions to ask them if they are qualified. And the name of the company is Pete Amaya Mortgage. And I have been in that company for almost 3 years and I handle also real estate campaigns. Required to ask them

This info:

Loan Type *

"You have an FHA loan Correct?"

  1.  FHA
  2.  Conventional
  3.  VA

Over / Under 5% *

"You have a rate over 5% currently correct?"

  1.  Over 5%
  2.  Under 5%

Savings Preference *

"With rates being so low today there are so many different ways to save you money. Let me ask, would you rather pay off your home earlier, or pay less each month?"

  1.  Earlier Payoff
  2.  Lower Payment

Name *

"Great, I just need to verify some information with you and then we can get you over to the loan officer so you can see how much money you can save. I have your full name as _________. Is that correct?"

Address *

"And we have your address as ___________. Is that correct?"

Primary *

"Is this your primary address?"

  1.  Yes
  2.  No

Phone Number *

"Is this the best number to reach you at?"

Interest Rate *

"What is your current interest rate?"

Balance *

"Do you know the current balance of your mortgage?"

Value *

"What is the estimated value of your home?"

Skills & Expertise

Campaign PlanningContact AcquisitionMortgage BankingPhone SupportReal Estate

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