I am a part time freelancer available to help you almost the whole day. Below are the services offered by me: - Web scraping and Data Entry (Extraction of data from websites and research) - WordPress (Building Websites, Customization, Bugs Fixation) - Ms Excel (VBA, Macros, Pivots, Dashboards, Managing data, reports, conversions etc.) - PDF (Conversions to/from Ms Office, editing, splitting, forms etc.) - Ms Word (Formatting, renaming, conversions, graphs etc) - Data Processing(Data entry from websites, to websites, to softwares and apps etc.) - Ms Powerpoint (Presentations, conversions, linking to database, graphs etc.) - Book Keeping (Data uploads, routine entries, reporting etc.) - Accounting (Financial Statements, Financial Analyses, Guidance etc.) - Research (Financial and general research of information from internet etc.)