Maya: Modeling, Animation, Lighting, Texture, Dynamics, Character Rigging, Fluid, nCloth, Mel, Script, composite, shake, Rendering for cartoon short films and games---3 Years
3Ds max: Modeling, Animation, Lighting, Texture, mental ray---5 Years
Adobe Photoshop - Adobe after affect and Adobe premier----6 Years
AutoCad – Soildwork ----6 Years
Knowledge of XSI
Knowledge of Boujo
Graphic Designer: 3D Max, Maya (Modeling, Lighting, Texture, Character Rigging, Dynamics, Fluid, Mental Ray, nClos, Fur, Hair, Mel, Script, Animation) Solid Work, AutoCAD, 3D Max Mechanical Presentations, Graduation projects for faculty of art students.
Engineering Interior Designer (Internal & External Designs