Hello, My name is Barnabas. I am a Musicologist and a Certified Music reviewer. If you need reviews for your Lyrics, Beat, General Music, and concerts, you're at the right place. I have a team of Individuals who are Musicologists working with me.
Job Content for Lyrical Review
1. Introduction
2. Context
3. Theme
4. Plagiarism
5. Devices
Job Content for Beat
1. Introduction
2. Musical Properties in the Beat
2.1 Timing & key signature
2.2 Effects of each instrument used in the cause of Creating the Beat
3. Suggestions
4. Conclusion
Job Content for General Music
1. General Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Biography of the Songwriter
2. Lyrical Content
2.1 Language
2.2 Context
2.3 Theme
2.4 Lyrical Plagiarism
3. Rhythm Content
3.1 Timing
3.2 Beat plagiarism
4. Musical Instruments and Effects
5. Summary
Job Content for Concert review
1. General Overiew
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Organizer
2. Description of the Concert
2.1 Concert setting
3. Evaluation
3.1 Sound Quality
3.2 lighting
3.3 Decoration
3.4 Performance Review
3.5 Audience Responsiveness
3.6 Personal Experience
4. Suggestions
5. Conclusion