Hello , hello good afternoon , herewith a small portfolio with several urls air where they can review my experience as Markup Designer Frontend fundamentally optimizing cutting processes , markup and makeup , Thank you for the space !! Native layout designer, html5, haml, css3 , sass, scss, stylus, less, medium -queries , responsive design , parallax , bitbucket , slack , SourceTree Attached are some samples of my work, Client. CEET Casa Editorial El Tiempo - Mazda Client. Webcreativa - Metal - royal Client. Grupo cubo - MINISTERIOR DEL INTERIOR - RUSICST Client. CEET Casa Editorial El Tiempo - Armada Nacional Client. Jimmykoyote - Renault Client. CEET Casa Editorial El Tiempo - Uninpahu Client. CEET Casa Editorial El Tiempo - Alonovias Cheers, skype: davidelozada David Lozada Web & Gracphic Designer