I am interested to work for part time. I did b.Tech in mechanical stream. I am carrying an experience of 8.5 years in fabrication industry. I am interested to do data entry work as well as the quality inspection for fabricated components in the industry. I have the knowledge of quality tools and completed many task by using the quality tools like : 5S, 6S. KAIZEN, PDCA, MURI, MURA, MUDA, PPC, CAPA, FIFO, POKA YOKE, QA/QC, DWMS, Why why analysis, JIT, GEMBA, 8D methodology, RBA and types of action on NC, VSM, ICS, Value engineering and cost reduction, TPM, SMED, EBIT, COQ and COPQ, Brainstorming, MTBF, MTTR, Availability, DPU, PPC, DPMO, 3R ( reduce, reuse, recycle), 3K, 7 steps QC Story, SIPOC, Single piece flow , OPL , 3G. I work with in give time frame, with quality and by following instructions so as to full fill the customer needs. I am passionate to work in free time so that I can do more earning.