Non-Profit Organisation: Sakar's Foundation International is a network of Humanitarian volunteers to empower the marginallised groups, the physically challenged and other destitutes. Hunting for project funds, grants and opportunities which will subsequently engender the sustained empowerment of the physically challenged, marginallised groups including gender mainstreamed women and adolescent girl and the destitutes aimed at promoting the principle of participatory governance and reducing their involvement in terrorism after uncultured orientations by the insurgent facillitators. Thus, promoting indepency ratios among the target groups by getting them conversant with the trends and skills needed for self entrepreneurship, hence, eliminating inferiority complexes among the target groups to enhance them in demanding their rights from the city actors and invoving them in decision makings/economic panning and budgeting: eureka; achieved equity and ebiquity in the society. This will create a peaceful co-existence of the impaired and unimpaired. Making them less vulnerable to uncertainties.